Crate redsyncmodulelib[][src]

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This is the portable library for the Redsync Library. It can be compiled down to wasm (to be used in browser) or tho native code for os-level clients. Do what you want with it as long as it is allowed by the license.


This function fetches every element for the specified collection. You should provide the data as a JSON string with the following structure:

This will:

This function fetches the keyFetchToken from the auth server. It is the first expected to be used in the library. From there, you will have to inform the user about verification, and then you should be able to continue. We only return the bare minimal for the next function. If error, this returns a message with the error instead of the TokenResponse.

This function updates/creates every element for the specified collection. You should provide the data as a JSON string with the following structure: